Webstorm Cheat Sheet

WebStorm / PhpStorm cheat sheet of all shortcuts and commands. In WebStorm: Open the new project. In the project view, double-click pubspec.yaml. At the upper right of the editor view of pubspec.yaml: Click Enable Dart support. Click Get dependencies. WebStorm takes several seconds to analyze the sources and do other housekeeping. This only happens once. WebStorm Cheat Sheet This cheat sheet includes symbol commands to help you using WebStorm. WebStorm is a lightweight and intelligent IDE for front-end development and server-side JavaScript. And this is a tool in the Integrated Development Environment category of a tech stack.

Set keymap

File > Settings > Keymap > Visual Studio

Fixes Undo / Redo Keys

Disable code reformatting

There does not semm to be a global setting for this.

Now add // @formatter:off at the top of each JS file and edit like normal.

Via http://www.gamefromscratch.com/post/2015/02/01/Preventing-IntelliJ-code-auto-formatting-from-ruining-your-day.aspx

Webstorm Cheat Sheet Pdf

Multi cursor / multi region edit

Cheat Sheet Terraria


Use the context menu in the editor, or:

Bookmarks (modified)

Disable Inspections (analysis, suggestions and spell checker)

Select a language in the list and klick the blue checkmark 1-2 times until unchecked. There is also anentry for spell checker in that list.

Reformat source code

In the project tool window, right-click the file with the code you want toreformat and from the context menu, select Reformat Code.

File related shortcuts

Open recent file

Fantasy Football Cheat Sheet


Fix scrolling

Enable mouse wheel zooming

Change font size

Before you can change this setting you must click 'Save As..' and save the scheme under a custom name.

Change JS indent

Use live templates/snippets

To produce entire code constructs. Game 334: november 13, 2020the initials game. WebStorm comes with a wide range of ready-to-use live templates, or snippets, which you can explore in the Settings dialog

To surround with complete code constructs:

If you see that you are lacking something especially important for your development goals, extend this set of snippets with your own ones.


To export IDE settings to a JAR archive

Webstorm Cheat Sheet Mac

On the main menu, choose File | Export Settings

In the Export Settings dialog box that opens specify the settings to export by selecting the check boxes next to them. By default, all settings are selected.

Webstorm Cheat Sheet Pdf

In the Export settings to text box, specify the fully qualified name of the target archive. Type the path manually or click the Browse button browseButton.png and specify the target file in the dialog that opens .

Phpstorm Cheat Sheet Mac

Webstorm Cheat Sheet

Yahoo Fantasy Football Cheat Sheets

To import settings from a JAR archive

On the main menu, choose File | Import Settings

In the Import File Location dialog box that opens select the desired archive.

Videosbarry mac. In the Select Components to Import dialog box that opens specify the settings to be imported, and click OK. By default, all settings are selected.