Wordpress Github

Log in to WordPress on your local server and activate the new theme. Commit and push your files to GitHub Git commit and push all of the new files in the working copy of your local repository to your remote GitHub repository. Description Git it Write allows to publish the markdown files present in a Github repository to your WordPress site. So with this plugin, whenever the files are added, updated in the repository the WordPress post will be added, updated accordingly.

  1. Github Pages Wordpress
  2. Using Git With Wordpress
  3. Wordpress Github Plugin
  4. How To Use Github


A simple and nice WordPress plugin that can track your GitHub’s profile. You can showcase your Followers, Following, Company, Location, Blog URL, Twitter Account, Public Repositories, Public Repository’s Used Language.
If the installation is okay, go and create a page and/or post or update a page and/or post and insert a Shortcode 👉 [my_github] to show your profile.
You can also find Quick Tags in your editor. You can also setup your settings from My GitHub under Settings page. That’s it.
Currently supports:
* Editor ShortCode support
* GitHub Widget Profile View
* User profiles
* Repositories
* Used Main Language
* Repository Star Count
* Repository Watcher Count
* Repository Fork Count
* Repository License
* Repository’s Last Pushed Time

Developers can also add their custom header name by using the hook git_name_header like this

The plugin provides very basic styling. If anyone has any ideas for a better styling – pull requests are welcome!
The development repo is GitHub Repo.


Installation is fairly straight forward. Install it from the WordPress plugin repository.

Bugs, technical hints or contribute

Please give us feedback, contribute and file technical bugs on GitHub Repo.

Wordpress github updaterGithub

Github Pages Wordpress


Can I change the layout?

Using Git With Wordpress

Not yet, we’re trying to add custom templating – Contribute!


Wordpress Github Plugin


How To Use Github

It is a great plugin to have on any developer's WordPress portfolio site. As a developer myself, I used this plugin on my WordPress site for showcasing my GitHub repo in a separate page. My portfolio site looks simply great and I am happy to display my work through this plugin.