Atom Cheat Sheet

Atom Cheat-sheet (Linux version). Atom Cheatsheet by Paul Dunne is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. I created this as a printable version of Jesse Kasky's excellent atom-keybinding-cheatsheet Github Key Binding Cheatsheet Package. As I go I'm expanding it with my own notes. Atom Enjoy this cheat sheet at its fullest within Dash, the macOS documentation browser. Cheat Sheet; More developer tools: Emmet LiveStyle Real-time bi-directional edit tool for CSS, LESS and SCSS. Emmet Re:view Fast and easy way to test responsive design side-by-side. Download cheat sheet as printable PDF A5. Support: Created with DocPad and Gulp.js.

  1. Atom Cheat Sheet Windows
  2. Chemistry Cheat Sheet

Use these rapid keyboard shortcuts to control the GitHub Atom text editor on Mac OSX.

  • ⌘ : Command key
  • ⌃ : Control key
  • ⌫ : Delete key
  • ← : Left arrow key
  • → : Right arrow key
  • ↑ : Up arrow key
  • ↓ : Down arrow key
  • ⌥ : Option or Alt key
  • ↩ : Return or Enter key
  • ⇧ : Shift key

The Command Palette

Task Keystrokes
Open Command Palette ⌘-⇧-p


Task Keystrokes
Open Configuration Editor ⌘-,

Application Tasks

Task Keystrokes
Hide Application ⌘-h
Hide Other Applications ⌥-⌘-h
Minimize Application ⌘-m
New File ⌘-n
New Window ⌘-⇧-n
Open Application ⌘-o
Open Dev ⇧-⌘-o
Quit ⌘-q


Task Keystrokes
Toggle Autocomplete ⌃-space


Task Keystrokes
Toggle Bookmark ⌘-F2
View All Bookmarks ⌃-F2
Jump to Next BookmarkF2
Jump to Previous Bookmark ⇧-F2
Clear All Bookmarks ⌘-⇧-F2


Atom Cheat Sheet Windows

Task Keystrokes
Find Matching Bracket ⌃-m

Code Folding

Task Keystrokes
Fold Code ⌥-⌘-[
Unfold Code ⌥-⌘-]
Fold at Indentation Level (N) ⌘-k cmd-N
Fold Selected Text ⌥-⌘-⌃-f
Unfold All Code ⌥-⌘-}

Code Navigation & Management

Task Keystrokes
Cut to End of Line ⌃-k
Delete to Beginning of Word ⌥-⌫
Delete to End of Word ⌥-d
Delete Line ⌃-⇧-k
Duplicate Line ⌘-⇧-d
Go to Line ⌃-g
Go to Matching Bracket ⌃-m
Indent Selected Text ⌘-]
Outdent Selected Text ⌘-[
Join Lines ⌘-j
Move to Beginning of Word ⌥-b
Move to End of Word ⌥-f
Move to Beginning of Line ⌃-a
Move to End of Line ⌃-e
Move Line Up ⌘-⌃-↑
Move Line Down ⌘-⌃-↓
Move to Top of File ⌘-↑
Move to Bottom of File ⌘-↓
Move to First Character of Line ⌘-←
Move to Last Character of Line ⌘-→
Select Left Character ⌘-⌃-b
Select Right Character ⌘-⌃-f
Select to Beginning of Word ⌥-⇧-b
Select to End of Word ⌥-⇧-f
Select Entire Word ⌃-⇧-w
Select to First Character of Line ⌥-⇧-a
Select to Last Character of Line ⌥-⇧-e
Select to Same Position, Next Line ⌥-⇧-n
Select to Same Position, Previous Line ⌥-⇧-p
Select to Top of File ⌘-⇧-↑
Select to Bottom of File ⌘-⇧-↓
Select All ⌘-a
Select Next ⌘-d
Select Line ⌘-L
Toggle Line Comments ⌘-/

Character Transformations

Task Keystrokes
Convert Tabs to Spaces ⌥-⌘-[
Convert Spaces to Tabs ⌥-⌘-]
Convert to Upper Case ⌘-k-u
Convert to Lower Case ⌘-k-L


Task Keystrokes
Toggle Comment ⌘-/

Editor View Tasks

Chemistry Cheat Sheet

Task Keystrokes
Split Panes Vertically ⌘-k-↓
Split Panes Horizontally ⌘-k-→
Vertical Navigation Panes ⌘-k ⌘-↓
Horizontal Navigation Panes ⌘-k ⌘-→
Toggle Full Screen ⌃-⌘-f
Toggle Tree View ⌘-

File Tasks

Task Keystrokes
Fuzzy Find Files ⌘-t
Find Open File ⌘-b
Find Modified, Untracked (git) File ⌘-⇧-b
Open Tree View ⌃-0
Toggle Tree View ⌘-
Add a File a
Move a File m
Delete a File
Reopen Last File ⌘-⇧-t

Find & Replace

Task Keystrokes
Find String in Current File ⌘-f
Find String in All Project Files ⇧-⌘-f
Find Next Matching String ⌘-g
Find Previous Matching String ⇧-⌘-g
Select Next Matching String ⌘-d
Select All Matching Strings ⌃-⌘-g
Replace String in Current File ⌥-⌘-f

Font Tasks

Task Keystrokes
Increase Font Size cmd-+
Decrease Font Size cmd—


Task Keystrokes
Select Grammar ⌃-⇧-L

Search Tasks

Task Keystrokes
Search for Symbol ⌘-r
Search for Symbol Across Project ⌘-⇧-r


  • Copy content from the CheatSheet panel directly to your clipboard - Just click on it!
  • Customize the CheatSheet panel with individual entries by creating your unique config file


  • To open CheatSheet type cheatsheet:toggle in the Atom command palette or press ctrl-alt-#
  • To edit and create your custom CheatSheet type cheatsheet:edit in the Atom command palette
  • To reload CheatSheet type cheatsheet:reload in the Atom command palette

All commands are also available via context menu --> Click the right mouse button on the visible CheatSheet panel


Set a custom config file path

Atom Cheat Sheet

CheatSheet stores all configuration parameters in a config file (support for '.coffee' files only).OPTIONAL You have the possibility to set a custom config file path:

  1. Go to package settings and insert your custom file path or use the default path
  2. Type cheatsheet:edit in the Atom command palette -->this will create a copy of the default CheatSheet file in your custom directory
  3. Press Edit Config in the notification dialog -->this will open your custom CheatSheet
  4. Customize the file as you like and save the file
  5. Type cheatsheet:reload in the Atom command palette to reload your config file and check if the change was saved successfully

Customize the config file

CheatSheet has five types you can configure:header, subheader, content and spacer

  • header creates a header


    • text: Add your custom header text
    • iconOPTIONAL: Add a custom icon from the Devicon (devicon) icon-set;Using the full CSS class is mandatory: devicons devicons-ICONNAME
  • subheader creates a subheader

    Example: Celebrity fight clubget big games.

    text: Add your custom header text

  • content creates the copy to clipboard element


    • text: Add your custom CheatSheet content. IMPORTANT: If you are working under windows remember to use to escape to show paths correctly:

    • descriptionOPTIONAL: Add a description for more details

    • rowsOPTIONAL: Number of rows define the height of the copy area to avoid scrolling Let 24 assignments.

  • spacer adds separators between CheatSheet elements

.coffee Example (Default file)


MIT © Fabian Arlt Learn to fly 2watermelon gaming.